Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

Things are going really well here in Zambia... This morning was amazing. I was walking down the road near the Chanda's and a young boy I often see waved eagerly to me. I always notice him and his siblings because they are usually up in the tree in their yard. It always brings a smile to my face as I reflect back on when I was a young girl and spent much of my time doing the same thing. Today was a bit different, after greeting me from a far they were approaching me and the boy, Morgan, was trying to ask if I wanted to buy something. But I could not understand what he was saying, I asked him to repeat and still no luck understanding. I said is it something to eat? He said no, I will send my brother for it. 10 minutes later he came out with a turtle! lol. Well during the time his brother was gone we were talking and I was asking his age and if he went to school etc. He just moved here from another town and is 12. He asked where I was staying and for how long I was going to be here. I told him that I was here for at least a year and am here to teach. His face lit up when I said this and he immediately asked me, "Can you teach me to read?" My heart was so full of joy and sorrow for him. The lacking of education he so wants to have, wanting to read but has not been taught. I reflected on what school must be like for him. Is he even able to learn much? What a hindrance this must be. What circumstances lead to this? Was it the public schooling system? Was he unable to attend school till recently? My joy came from his boldness to ask so immediately and at hs eagerness to learn. I agreed that I will meet him at his mothers house, just a few minutes walk from where I now live and would teach him to read. Pray God will lead me as I reach out to this boy and his family. I have never taught anyone to read before but I am confident this is a divine opportunity ordained by God. Lessons start next Tuesday, December 28th.


  1. wow that is great! God is doing great things with you. I am sure you will do wonders for that little boy!! keep us posted on his progress!!

  2. I am confident Bonnie that you will be able to teach this little boy to read. I will be praying that God will direct your speaking skills and clarity for the boy to understand you! This is a blessing that God has given you! I agree with KT, please keep us posted! :)
