Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 10, 2010

One of the many things I have found I enjoy here in Zambia is my walks to a small strip of stores, which includes an internet cafĂ©. The 15-20 minute walk lends itself to being able to observe and communicate with the locals on some level. So far one of my favorite interactions has been with a young girl of about 8, she was working for one of the local homeowners. As I walked down the familiar road I spied 3 girls all carrying jugs of water. The two older girls balanced large jugs on their heads and the young girl carried 2 smaller jugs, which were obviously heavy. It always amazes me to see what these women can balance on their heads. Since I have been here, I have seen produce, water jugs, a large 4-foot vase and even a 20-foot hollow metal beam, which was about 1 foot wide. What skill!! Anyway back to the story. ..Once I was close enough to ensure they would hear my greeting I shouted, “bueno” which is the common greeting here in Zambia. They all smiled as they crossed in front of me to their intended destination. The young girl set her jugs down and came running over to me to further greet me. She extended her hand to me and as we shook she asked my name. I found out that her name was Agnes; her smile just pierced my heart. She was so full of joy. I pray we meet again and that I can speak with her at length. I am curious to hear her story. That is one thing that I can never escape, I see people and I want to know as much as possible about them, to know their story..something each of us has.

1 comment:

  1. What a warm encounter with the girl! God definitely gifted you to bond with any children quickly. :)
